Discover the enchanting allure of Afnans Mystique Bouquet, a captivating fragrance launched in 2023. This unisex scent, available in a 2.7 oz EDP Spray, invites you into a world where elegance meets sophistication. Perfectly crafted for both men and women, Mystique Bouquet is designed to leave a lasting impression.
From the very first spritz, the top notes of Bergamot, Lychee, Mandarin Orange, and White Peach create a refreshing and invigorating start. These bright and fruity notes blend seamlessly, setting the stage for the mesmerizing heart notes to follow.
Discover Your Perfect Fragrance
Unveil the Essence of Luxury
Immerse yourself in a world of captivating scents that speak to your individuality. Whether you’re drawn to fresh, floral notes or rich, warm undertones, explore our diverse range of perfumes designed to elevate every moment. Find the fragrance that resonates with your unique style and leave a lasting impression wherever you go.